20 Proven Benefits of Standing Desks [+Comparison]

Sitting for a long time can be bad for your health. Desks and tables at workplaces and offices with non-ergonomic designs can cause muscle and posture problems. Picture a place where staying active and healthy while working is easy. What comfort would it bring? Woah! Buying a standing desk can make your work area better and even more comfortable. 

Standing desks are a new way to work that helps you move around and avoid getting sore muscles from sitting too long. Let’s talk about some of the best things about the benefits of standing desks that promote a more dynamic work environment.

What are Standing Desks?

A standing or stand-up desk allows you to work while standing. These desks can be adjusted to different heights so people can sit or stand while they work. Many of these desks can be adjusted to the right height for the person using them, so it is comfortable and healthy for them to use. They can change their position because you can stand, stretch, or even use a stool.

Sitting for a long time can make us less productive and can negatively affect our health. This isn’t just about how nice an office looks; it also affects our bodies and thoughts. The many health benefits of standing desk include better posture, a lower chance of health problems like heart disease, and relief from back and neck pain. Some people feel happier and healthier and show more positivity when they use standing desks during work instead of sitting down.

Standing Desks Vs. Regular Desks — What’s the Difference?

Standing desks and regular desks differ in their primary function. Here are some aspects in which they differ. It’s suggested to keep them in mind while transitioning.

Aspect Standing Desks Regular Desks
Primary Function Allow working in a standing position. They are designed for sitting.
Height Adjustability Often, they have adjustable height settings for user customization. Typically stationary, lacking height adjustability.
User Preferences Accommodates various user preferences for standing or sitting. Limited options, designed primarily for seated work.
Health Benefits Offers potential health benefits of standing while working Lacks specific health benefits related to sitting or standing.
Work Posture Encourages a dynamic work posture with the option to stand. Promotes a seated work posture.
Mobility and Flexibility Allows users to switch between sitting and standing. Generally lacks mobility features.
Workspace Ergonomics Supports ergonomic variations with height customization. Limited flexibility in terms of ergonomic adjustments.
Typical Use Cases Ideal for individuals seeking an alternative to prolonged sitting. Suited for conventional office setups and seated work.


20 Benefits of Standing Desks | Are Standing Desks good for you?

Standing desks offer premium benefits and contribute to overall well-being. Office workers, employees, and business owners are all investing in standing desks due to their customizable features. Below are a few benefits of Standing Desks:

1.  Better Posture:

Sitting, standing, or moving affects your posture and body alignment if you work in a strange position. Like when you bend over your laptop, you will have to deal with the outcomes of it. This behavior causes your head to put forward, your shoulders to round, and other problems with your posture.

Using a standing desk can help with these issues. It enables you to sit straight and reduces strain on your neck, shoulders, and lower back. It allows you to move your desk to a certain height and work efficiently.

2.  Increased Calorie Burn:

Standing while working burns more calories than sitting, which can help you lose weight and live a healthy life. It makes your blood flow better, moves fat around, and keeps you from adding too much weight. It helps you manage weight by burning more calories than sitting over long periods. Individuals burn more calories when they stand still than when they sit down.

People who use standing desks are more active and mobile at work because this desk gives them the opportunity to exercise more and lose weight.

3.  Reduced Risk of Conditions:

Sitting around a lot, either for work or for fun, can be bad for your health. Research shows that bus conductors who stand all day have a 50% lower risk of dying from heart disease than the drivers and other passengers. 

Eating too little unhealthy food and not being active can cause a type of diabetes and may make cancer more likely. It can also lead to other health problems.

4.  Increased Energy and Focus:

Standing desks let you move around, which can change how you feel. For example, if you’re having a hard day and feeling tired, you might want to change your position or stand up, but you can’t because of all the work you have to do. 

A standing desk lets you work while standing up, so you don’t have to sit all day. It helps you feel more energized and gives you a boost of energy. More energy makes you feel better about yourself and helps you positively handle the day.

5.  Enhanced Cognitive Function and Productivity:

Standing boosts the blood flow to the brain, improving circulation and enhancing the body’s cognitive functions. Being able to move around and switch from sitting to standing helps people work better and for longer. Being focused and paying close attention to details can help you perform. These are some health benefits of standing desk.

Desk, besides the window, also boosts your productivity. Natural light acts as a major factor to enhance your energy and cognitive function. Read more on Desk Setup with a window 

6.  Natural Pain Killer:

Back pain is the most prevalent problem in office workers. Working while standing protects you from shoulder and back pain. Studies also support reduced upper back and neck pain once the person transitions to a sit-stand desk. Incorrect sitting for more extended periods potentially damages the discs, leading to sciatica and other lethal problems.

No doubt, increased mobility relieves aches and pains caused by stranded energy. This is particularly pertinent to persistent neck, shoulder, back, and even wrist pain, all of which can be alleviated by switching to a standing desk. 

Most commonly, trying to adapt your reading material to your position instead of modifying it to your proper posture for an upbeat viewpoint results in a stiff neck. A height-adjustable desk is a great option to enjoy the advantages of standing desk.

7.  Improved Quality of Life:

Changing to a standing desk has many benefits and makes a person’s life better. Improving your posture, reducing pain, and increasing productivity can make you healthier. Using a standing desk helps you feel better in your mind and body, improving your life overall.

8.  Enhance Mood:

As a result of working four to five hours, you may become restless because you have to sit for an extended time. Sitting in one place for a long time makes your muscles sore and tense, tightening your shoulders. It has been shown that a standing desk can make you more productive and happier. It does keep you from getting stressed, which can make you feel bad after a long time of sitting.

9.  Improved Digestion:

Do you feel that overstuffed, grumpy feeling when you sit soon after a meal? That’s frustrating when you can’t even work due to that food stuck in your stomach like a big stone. Standing after meals helps in making digestion smooth and more accessible.

How? Because, as you stand, your organs won’t be compressed, and you won’t feel that suffocating thing. Another big plus of standing after a meal is better absorption. So, a standing desk may be the best buddy for your gut health.

10.  Reduced Risk of Musculoskeletal Issues:

Are you bored after listening to this long text on the abilities and beauties of standing desk? Well, don’t be, because, there are a few more. A standing desk is an investment you will always be proud of, filled with benefits. So, stay hooked.

Another huge plus of having a standing desk is protection from musculoskeletal issues. But a standing desk saves you from all these nightmares. It works like magic in disease prevention and keeping you in a healthy posture, just like an army soldier. Gotcha?

11.  Enhanced Creativity:

Do we alter or change our minds from sitting to standing? No way! How does this standing desk help you be more creative?

What in the world could make this possible?

Many workers say they come up with new ideas faster when standing up instead of sitting down. It has something to do with how your happiness, focus, and output have all improved, making you more creative.

Interesting, yeah?

12.  Better Blood Sugar Control:

Picture naughty glucose roaming in your blood around all significant organs to your head and then to your peripheries. This sugar, if excessive, can drastically affect your body and cause diabetes.

But, a standing desk helps your body move that glucose to where it should be or belongs. It doesn’t let it roam around and cause destructive effects. Pretty brutal, tho?

Well, this brutality, if not done, can make this glucose a nightmare.

Standing desk improves circulation. As the circulation is improved, it increases glucose uptake at the cellular level. Increased glucose uptake reduces the wandering mischief glucose in the blood that causes diabetes. And that is how a standing desk keeps you away from diabetes. Isn’t it amazing? I love my storytelling skills, tho!

13.  Improved Lung Function:

As you feel your food stuck in your stomach due to prolonged sitting. Sitting also makes your breaths superficial. You know all those Yoga instructors and meditation coaches say, “Breathe Deeply” just like an order– Loud and Clear.

This instruction highlights the importance of deep breathing. Yeah! You need to watch your breath if you’re sitting longer. But, standing desk is again a Life-saver here. 

It helps your lungs to stay in a more neutral and flat position in an upright posture. This position makes gas exchange better and enables you to breathe deeply. You can follow breathing techniques while working, getting the added benefit of being a stress reliever.

This article is becoming more exciting as I continue to write its benefits individually. Well, that’s a perk if you’re a storyteller. You gotta love your own writing.

14.  Flexibility and Movement

Flexibility means being able to bend and move your body quickly. Movement means changing positions or going from one place to another. Who else likes to move around while working like me? I haven’t worked in a single distinct position for a long time. I can’t do that; it feels weird and annoying.

Your blood constantly moves inside your body, and your muscles always absorb nutrients and oxygen. Your brain works like a  scientist’s and needs nutrients to perform at its best. You’re holding them back if you don’t move and stay in one place. That’s a bad habit, and you are taking away their rights.

Moving around while working helps to improve the flow of blood in our body, which in turn helps to provide more nutrients to our body. A standing desk can make you feel more productive, creative, and focused.

15.  Social Interaction:

Do you feel dull while putting your head down on work in your cabin? 

If you’re like me, you must feel this. You should be able to see what’s happening outside your office, even though it’s full of people. If you like to work very hard, it can be a distraction. But this won’t be a distraction when you stand up after two to three hours of sitting. Consider it an escape. 😀

BONUS: My Personal Practical Strategy to Stay Productive

The Timeboxing framework or the 3-3-3 framework can be used to split your time. When you have three hours of dedicated work that you need to do, then you don’t need to do anything else. 

But if you have some easy tasks that take 30-40 mins, you can stand up and focus on your work while still interacting with others. Conversations with co-workers that happen on the spot make the workplace more enjoyable.

16.  Easier Collaboration:

You must have heard those personal branding gurus state that Networking is how to thrive in business. I agree and endorse their saying.

They say; Your network is your Net-Worth! 

And it’s true!

Making connections can help you win bigger games. We already said standing desks allow you to talk to others at work. This discussion can help you build lasting relationships in the business world and encourage people to collaborate. Also, it can help you receive positive feedback for an upcoming job promotion.

Discover about Standing Desks

17.  Encourages Regular Breaks:

Who doesn’t like breaks during the work? Oh, I apologize if you’re a focused worker and don’t like breaks during the job, as it’s distracting. Let me tell you one thing: that multiplies your morale and passion for work. And that’s Frequent Breaks. Breaks keep you motivated and relieve stress. Re-fill your energy and help you work for more extended periods with focus.

It works like a powerhouse whenever you transition from sitting to standing. This transition acts as a fuel to your body, so we call it a break. This is a break when you don’t have to leave or pause your work; you can still enjoy being proactive.

18.  Customizable Work Environment:

A change is necessary if you get tired of watching that same old-school office cabin. A change in the form of a standing desk is forever rewarding. Plus, if the shift suits your mood, then who would say No?

We are all enthusiasts of customized products. Be it an office accessory, a sublimation mug, a t-shirt, or anything, we love customization. And we pay hefty amounts to get our stuff customized.

You have the same option on your office desk. After investing in a standing desk, you can achieve the same level of comfort in your office cabin because you can easily customize it by adjusting it to your height, which works perfectly for you. A standing desk offers you the comfort of transitioning and shifting from sitting to standing in a minute.

19.  Reduced Risk of Eye Strain:

Sitting at our office desk and looking at the same screen for hours makes us tired. What is it about this habit that makes our bodies tired? Please don’t stare at the screen too long because it can tense your upper back. The upper back and neck muscles get tight, which could worsen things. Pretty scary, huh?

Also, looking at a screen for a long time makes your pupils stretch and rest, which strains your eyes. That’s why you’re tired, even after just a short job. If you have a set desk and your computer isn’t at eye level, this eye strain gets worse. Using a standing desk, you can change the desk’s height to make your computer level with your eyes. For me, that’s an “Aha!” moment. As a writer, I can tell you that eye strain is the worst thing ever, and I’m so happy when we find a way to fix it.

20.  Enhanced Core Strength and Overall well-being:

Core muscles, like those in your back and stomach, are relaxed and at rest when you’re sitting down. Sitting for a long time can make your muscles feel stiff and hurt. If you keep doing it, they might stay that way forever, according to a physical therapist. It might be hard to move, your back might get stiff, and you might feel pain and soreness. Oh, the annoying part of working in an office full-time.

On the other hand, getting a standing desk can help you avoid all of these problems. I’m getting emotional; isn’t this standing desk a true blessing for us? (Sobbing 🥺)

Remember, it’s good to work and build your career, but not if it makes you unhealthy or unhappy. Your well-being is the most important thing. Put yourself above all, take care of yourself, and invest in stuff you need to be better. Your well-being is necessary for any project, promotion, or job post.

A Short Letter to all the Chairmen/CEOs:

Respected Sir/Mam,

As the head of a company that makes and keeps the workplace comfortable, fun and productive. I suggest you a simple yet life-changing investment for your employees as there are multiple benefits of standing desks. Standing desks can make your employees more productive and healthier.

Why Should You Upgrade Your Workspace With Standing Desks?

According to Research, as stated by Healthline, and being an interior design expert, standing workstations provide several advantages. You can get the best work from your employees if you put these desks in your office.

  • They’ll feel that their company cares for them.
  • They’ll enjoy the new transformation.
  • They’ll feel that instant boost of productivity.
  • They’ll be more energetic, creative, and intuitive.
  • Negative feedback will be reduced because they’ll work with improved focus.
  • Employees will be engaged and satisfied in their jobs.
  • By prioritizing employees’ well-being, you’ll be more attractive to potential hires.
  • Standing desks will act as a USP for your employees, and you’ll be able to retain top talent.

As an Interior designer, I’ve had the opportunity to design workplaces. After visiting multiple workspaces and offices, here are the best Desk Setup Ideas, I recommend.

Benefits of Standing Desks – Concluded:

As we’ve talked about the many benefits of standing desks, here is a quick list of the most important ones that might help you decide to switch.

Serial Number Benefit Short Explanation
1 Better Posture Standing desk improves posture and reduces the risk of forward head posture and other postural impairments.
2 Increased Calorie Burn You burn more calories while standing than sitting. This helps in weight management and improves circulation and fat redistribution.
3 Reduced Risk of Conditions Standing prevents a sedentary lifestyle, which minimizes the risk of heart disease, metabolic disorders, type 2 diabetes, and other health issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle.
4 Increased Energy and Focus Standing desk allows you to change position. It refreshes the body and boosts energy. It improves mood, productivity, and focus.
5 Enhanced Cognitive Function and Productivity Standing improves blood flow to the brain, leading to better cognitive functions, mental alertness, attention to detail, and overall work performance.
6 Natural Pain-relief It protects you from shoulder and back pain. Reduces upper back and neck pain and prevents musculoskeletal issues associated with prolonged sitting.
7 Improved Quality of Life Integrate standing desks to positively impact posture, pain, productivity, and energy. It gives you an overall improvement in mental and physical health.
8 Enhanced Mood Standing desks alleviate stress and irritation associated with prolonged sitting. It gives you a positive mood and increases productivity.
9 Improved Digestion Standing after meals promotes smoother digestion by preventing organ compression and improving absorption, benefiting gut health.
10 Reduced Risk of Musculoskeletal Issues It prevents lumbar straightening, back stiffness, and rounded shoulders. It acts as a preventive measure against musculoskeletal problems.
11 Enhanced Creativity The transition from sitting to standing boosts innovative thinking. It contributes to an overall increase in creativity and problem-solving skills.
12 Better Blood Sugar Control Better circulation increases glucose uptake at the cellular level and reduces the risk of diabetes by preventing excessive roaming of glucose.
13 Improved Lung Function It promotes a more neutral lung position in standing, improving gas exchange. It encourages deep breathing, contributing to overall lung health.
14 Flexibility and Movement It encourages you to do movement during work, boosting circulation and enhancing productivity, creativity, and focus by providing necessary nutrients to your body.
15 Social Interaction This includes spontaneous interactions with colleagues, promoting a dynamic work environment, Networking, and collaboration opportunities.
16 Easier Collaboration It gives you easier Networking, collaboration, and positive feedback opportunities by encouraging workplace interactions during work transitions.
17 Encourages Regular Breaks This desk is a powerhouse during work transitions, providing a break-like fuel to the body. It keeps employees motivated and relieves stress.
18 Customizable Work Environment These standing desks offer the comfort of customization by adjusting desk height. It provides a change in the office environment and improves comfort.
19 Reduced Risk of Eye Strain It allows you to adjust monitor height, reducing eye strain and upper back stress associated with prolonged screen staring.
20 Enhanced Core Strength and Overall Well-being You can avoid core muscle shortening, reduce discomfort and pain associated with prolonged sitting, and contribute to overall well-being.