Professional Desk Arrangement

20 Proven Benefits of Standing Desks [+Comparison]

Sitting for a long time can be bad for your health. Desks and tables at workplaces and offices with non-ergonomic designs can cause muscle and posture problems. Picture a place where staying active and healthy while working is easy. What comfort would it bring? Woah! Buying a standing desk can make your work area better and even more comfortable.  Standing desks are a new way to work that helps you move around and avoid getting sore muscles from sitting too long. Let’s talk about some of the best things about the benefits of standing desks that promote a more dynamic ... Read more

Desk in Front of a Window? [Pros+Cons] & [Ideal Setup]

Desk placement is indeed an essential factor to consider if you are working from a home office or workplace. The atmosphere and surroundings of your desk have a direct effect on how well you can concentrate, get work done, and use your time efficiently. You may be intimidated to put your desk in front of a window so that natural light can help you work faster. But this choice is like a sword with two edges. There are good and bad things about putting your desk facing the window. If you need to decide the placement of your desk, this ... Read more

22 Desk Setup Ideas [+3 Bonus TIPS]

Your work desk is where you spend most of your time if I’m not wrong. Whether you are an investor, a C-level executive, an entrepreneur, or just an office worker, you must spend a reasonable amount of time at your desk taking care of business. Things around us either make us more or less focused and energetic. How our desk is organized determines how much we can do, grow, and create. It all starts with efficient desk setup ideas. Your desk setup profoundly impacts your productivity, creativity, and success. If you’re reading this while sitting at your desk, make sure ... Read more